when the world will mix well

01. for us
02. shorebird
03. fantasia
04. come, open, join
05. horse from parallel
06. row, row
07. clearly clear
08. esquisse
09. when the word and the heart will mix well
10. cantabile


本作は日常的に感じる事のできる「海」から多くのインスピレーションを受けて制作されています。序盤に収録されたアルバムの語り手を担う「shorebird」では、優しい歌声で海風に浮かぶ鳥を穏やかに登場させます。また、歌声を支えるピアノは低音部から高音部へと移ろうアルペジオで波の形や流れを描き、抑揚をつけず穏やかに演奏される事で、寄せては返す波のイメージを際立たせます。彼女の持ち味でもあるドリーミーで柔かな世界が表現された「fantasia」は、弦楽器が入る中間部から軽やかに視界が広がり、モチーフを刻み続けたピアノは最後に光を受けて輝く波しぶきの様に解放されます。歌を主役とした、アルバムの骨とも言える楽曲「horse from parallel」は、シンプルなコード進行がメロディーの出現や変化を引き立てます。繊細で優美な弦楽アレンジで温かな空気を纏った、緩徐楽章的に仕上げられた「when the word and the heart will mix well」、ピアノが自由に歌い、低く深く響くことで安らぎをもたらす「cantabile」で穏やかなエンディングを迎えます。
弦楽アレンジは、今作のプロデュースも兼任している小瀬村晶 (track 3)と、SCHOLEより作品を発表しているフランス人ピアニスト・作曲家のQuentin Sirjacq (track 9) が担当。 両名のこれまでの作品制作を支える、井口寛がサウンドエンジニアを、菊地慎が彼女の地元(岡山)や所縁の地で撮影した写真や映像を元にアルバムジャケットやMVを制作。当真伊都子の造り出す世界観を十二分に理解した上で、SCHOLEのフィルターを通して作品を完成させました。


Itoko Toma, a Pianist and vocalist, releases her second album.
Besides her piano solo works and original songs as same music style as her previous album, but also includes songs composed with chamber music style, which brings more taste in this album.
This album is created with many inspirations from ‘sea’ which she felt in her daily life. It begins with the song “shorebird”, which you will hear a gentle voice brings a bird floating on the sea wind. Also, a supporting piano will draw a flow of waves created with arpeggio sounds of moving from lower tones to higher tones. With this gently played piano without any intonation will show the image very clearly of the waves flowing. Her dreamy and feathery world is expressed in the track “fantasia”, the strings arrangements will widens up the view, and the motif played with piano brings the light as a sea splash. “horse from parallel”, a key track of this album, features a vocal as a major role of this song and a simple chord progression helps the enhancement of melodious sounds. “when the word and the heart will mix well”, an adagio-like composition, is wrapped with heartwarming atmosphere with the daintiness and delicate strings arrangements. The album ends with a gentleness tune of “cantabile”, with a singing of freely played piano, which echoes deeply to bring peacefulness.

For strings arrangement, track #3 done by Akira Kosemura, who is also a producer of this album, and track #9 done by Quentin Sirjacq, a French pianist and composer, who released his album under the same label SCHOLE. Also, Hiroshi Iguchi as a sound engineer who supports the previous releases of Akira and Quentin, and Shin Kikuchi creates MV and designed for album covers using the visuals taken from her hometown, Okayama. The album was produced by viewing Itoko Toma’s world through a SCHOLE filter.

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